Sheet Metal Design Guidelines

Designing sheet metal parts requires attention to detail to ensure the parts are manufacturable, cost-effective, and functional. Here are comprehensive guidelines to follow:

Material Selection

  1. Choose the Right Material: Select materials based on required properties such as strength, corrosion resistance, and formability. Common materials include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and copper.

Bending Guidelines

  1. Bend Radius: Maintain a minimum bend radius of at least 1 to 1.5 times the material thickness to avoid cracking and ensure proper bending.
  2. Bend Allowance: Include bend allowance in your design to account for the material stretch and compression during bending.
  3. Bend Direction: Design bends in the same direction to reduce setup time and tooling costs.
  4. Bend Relief: Provide bend relief to avoid material tearing near bends.

Hole and Slot Guidelines

  1. Hole Distance: Place holes at least twice the material thickness away from bends and edges to prevent deformation.
  2. Hole Diameter: Ensure the hole diameter is at least equal to the material thickness for clean punching.
  3. Slot Length: Limit slot length to a maximum of five times the material thickness to maintain structural integrity.
  4. Slot Width: Ensure slot width is at least the material thickness.

Feature Design

  1. Corner Radii: Use a minimum internal corner radius equal to the material thickness to prevent stress concentration and cracking.
  2. Notches and Tabs: Design notches to be at least 1.5 times the material thickness away from bends and edges. Tabs should have a width of at least twice the material thickness.


  1. General Tolerances: Apply realistic tolerances based on manufacturing capabilities to avoid increased costs.
  2. Forming Tolerances: Allow for generous tolerances in formed features due to potential variability in forming processes.

Fastening and Assembly

  1. Fastener Clearance: Design clearance holes slightly larger than the fastener diameter for easy assembly.
  2. Self-Locating Features: Use tab and slot designs for self-locating parts during assembly to improve alignment and reduce assembly time.

Surface Finish

  1. Surface Treatments: Consider surface treatments (e.g., painting, powder coating, anodizing) early in the design process to ensure proper adhesion and protection.

Manufacturing Constraints

  1. Tool Access: Ensure adequate access for tools during manufacturing, including bending, punching, and welding.
  2. Part Orientation: Design parts to minimize reorientation during manufacturing to save time and reduce costs.

Design for Automation

  1. Consistency: Maintain consistent design features to facilitate automated manufacturing processes.
  2. Standardization: Use standard hole sizes, bend radii, and other features to leverage existing tooling and reduce costs.

Other Considerations

  1. Draft Angles: Include draft angles for parts that need to be drawn or extruded to allow for easy removal from molds or dies.
  2. Symmetry: Design symmetrical parts when possible to simplify manufacturing and reduce the number of unique tools required.
  3. Part Nesting: Design parts to optimize material usage by considering nesting layouts.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can create sheet metal designs that are efficient to manufacture, cost-effective, and meet the desired functional requirements.

Related Links:

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